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Santa Cruz, CA
United States


Same Team is based on the idea that we are all in this together, and the people cannot survive independently. Further, it is based on the notion that life is better with friends and that joy and gratitude enhance quality of life.


Same Team

Same Team is based on the idea that we are all in this together, and that people cannot survive independently. Further, it is based on the notion that life is better with friends and that joy and gratitude enhance quality of life.

Same Team originated between co-founders, and partners, Nick & Diana when they would get into a minor argument or squabble. They used this concept to remind each other that their ultimate goal was each others happiness and that whatever the focus of their argument, it was really not that important.

This concept has grown to embody our orientation to our friends and family. It helps us remember to be the type of friend that you want to have, or to treat others the way you want to be treated. It reminds us that the ability to give is in fact a gift and that Love is Louder!

Same Team is making t-shirts to spread this message. If you're interested in sharing in this groove, please contact us! Same Team also makes Fundraiser T-Shirts where 100% of the profits go to a social or environmental cause.

Contact us if you are interested in joining the team!